It's a pleasure to have you read about me :)

Hi! My name is Kaitlin and 'The Relatable Life of Kate' was created for all of the college girls that can't seem to catch a break. If you're wondering why my blog title is 'The Relatable Life of Kate' and not 'The Relatable Life of College Girls', the reason behind that is because ever since I was in high school, there was this ongoing joke that whenever something unfortunate would happen to me I would blame it on "Life of Kate", as if it was inevitable. I figured that I would continue the tradition by basing this entire blog on my life in the attempts that someone will feel the same way I do.

I'm not very good at introducing myself, but hey there! I am a freshman at Eastern University studying Athletic Training. Guess what? I'm also on the Track&Field team, so get ready for those posts about the struggles of being a student-athlete! You student-athletes know who you are. I also really, really, really love giving advice. So, hopefully this blog is a good coping mechanism for anyone going through something really tough. This is all for you guys!

Now, I'm here to be your relatable guru... or mentor (whatever you want to call it). This blog may make you laugh, cry, or make you feel a hundred different emotions at once, depending who you are. I will blog my heart out to you about my life. Hopefully it's relatable - who knows? Maybe it'll make your day knowing that YOU'RE NOT the only one going through this!




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