Not "Homesick"...

Going off to college is such a weird situation. You spend 18 years of your life growing up in a little town, knowing pretty much everything about everyone you went to school with, only to pack it all up after nearly two decades and start all over again.
I don't know about you guys, but most people I know cried their eyes out about going their separate ways with their childhood besties. I won't lie, I cried my eyes out too. Graduation was the worst of it. Having to say goodbye to all of my best friends was extremely tough. I had a really awful feeling in my stomach knowing that I would probably never talk to at least half of them after the graduation ceremony.

Don't even get me started on friend groups. I've heard after-grad horror stories of friend groups completely falling apart once college rolled around. Let me just tell you, that was my biggest fear about four months ago.. But luckily my friends and I survived and all is well. And trust me when I say this, OOVOO saves lives. Literally the best way to communicate with your best friends who are hundreds of miles away.

2017 - Graduation
Even with being in college now, my friends here will always say how much they miss their hometowns and families. Personally, that isn't the case for me(as awful as it sounds). I've always been an independent person and was always out-and-about in high school, so I'm used to being away from my family for long periods of time. 
I'm not necessarily saying that if you miss your hometown that you're "weak". I went home for one day of the fall break and decided to go back and visit my old high school. When I saw my Track coach, I broke down because I missed being around something that was familiar. That's what I think my little funk is - I don't think I'm "homesick", I think I just miss familiarity. 
Don't be surprised if you feel this way too, I'm assuming it's pretty normal... maybe?


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